
About PLB

Protect Lake Beulah (PLB) is a member-based organization dedicated to preserving the quality of Lake Beulah’s natural resources and sustaining its inviting environment. PLB is dependent on annual dues from its members for its funding. All who use and enjoy the lake are welcome as members.

Begun in 1894 as a collective effort to manage lake issues, the PLB has grown into an effective organization seeking to assure that the pristine quality of the lake remains for future generations.

To join, renew and/or donate, see the options below.

Top 10 Recent Accomplishments of PLB

  1. Backing the Badge via donation of binoculars to the East Troy Police Department

  2. Booth Lake drainage research and opposition advocacy

  3. Buoys to mitigate some impact of wake boats

  4. Ecosystem / alliance development from our 125th Anniversary celebration (including all the camps on the lake)

  5. Education for the next generation

  6. Fish stocking program for lake health and sport

  7. Hotel development research and opposition advocacy

  8. More effective and engaged partnership with the Lake Beulah Management District

  9. Record sizable extra contributions from members to support our mission

  10. Sensitive lake area reassessments that will be further publicized via 2022 educational pontoon rides


Mission Statement

Protect Lake Beulah is dedicated to preserving the natural resources of Lake Beulah and to maintaining an inviting environment for all who use the lake.

What We Do

  • Serve as a voice in matters affecting the health and welfare of the lake.

  • Assist in monitoring water quality, fish stocking, educational programs for youth and users of the lake, and legal challenges of potential actions detrimental to the lake health.

  • Inform the membership of environmental issues and other matters regarding Lake Beulah.

  • Participate in efforts by local, county and state governmental units to develop and enforce meaningful laws and regulations.

  • Cooperate with other entities and organizations that have objectives beneficial to the lake.

  • Serve as a watch dog on developments on the lake with respect to building codes, zoning ordinances, pier regulations, water safety, and other matters.


An elected Board of Directors voluntarily represent PLB members and their interests and concerns. Area Chairpersons serve as the primary contacts to the Association. Biannual open meetings are held in the Spring and Fall every year. Annual membership dues and donations provide the financial resources for PLB to carry out its mission. These resources are used for monitoring water quality and invasive species, fish stocking, construction on or around the lake, pier regulations and education. Occasionally, dues and donations fund legal challenges to actions that threaten lake quality.

A new day on the lake.

A new day on the lake.

Area Chair Network

Area Chairpersons are committed Lake Beulah residents who serve as the primary contacts to the Association. They are your friends and neighbors, familiar faces who understand the issues surrounding your community. Should you have an interest or concern regarding the lake, please contact your area chair or Contact Us.

Beach Road: David Scheel

Beulah Heights Road (W2002‐W1900) and Bakavi Way: Brad Pollock

Beulah Heights Road (up to W2002): Eric Tarman-Ramcheck

Beulah Park Road: Dave & Peggy Krueger

Byrnes Lane & Romadka Park Road: Roy Gerloff

Country Club Lane & Austin Road: Frank Davenport

East Shore Road (Beach Rd. to North end of Beulah Park Rd.) & Deerpath: Debra Dunn

East Shore Road, Thistle Lane, Marsh Road, Millsite Road & Hwy J: Wendy Bitter

Golden Beach Road & Island Drive: Kim Rosenmayer

Horseshoe Lane & East Shore Road (to Beulah Park Rd.): Wendy Sievert

Kings Parkway & Kings Lane: Chrissy Kubicek

Lake Road & Windy Way: John & Susan Brown

Oakwood Lane & Its A Little Road: Don Stein

Pastime Lane & Grandview Drive: Pat & Jennifer Bergin

South Shore Drive up to Humphrey Lane: Norm & Rose Sass

South Shore Drive west of and including Humphrey Lane: Carrie Franzene

Stringers Bridge Road & New Deal Ave.: Vonna Berndt

West Bay Road: Jessica Dunn Jones

Wilmers Grove Road, Wilmers Point Lane & Wilmers Landing: Lucy Atac


Please contact Steve Schmitendorf at for chairperson contact info or information on becoming an area chairperson.

Kayaking to discover new vistas.

Kayaking to discover new vistas.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors are elected by the PLB membership and serve on a voluntary basis. Board members’ terms are three years; board members can serve a maximum of three terms (nine years).

Contact a Board Member.

Tom VanDenBogart President / Fish, Game & Wildlife

Brian Bellew Vice President & Marketing

Beth Lanham Secretary & Website

Steve Huening Treasurer

Brian Fons Fish, Game & Wildlife

Jennifer Thorsch Water Quality & Membership

Scott Miller Water Quality

Tom Bernhardt Lake Views Newsletter Editor

Daniel Bach Legal

Contact Us


Please complete the form below



Paper mail:
P.O. Box 153
East Troy 53120
