The WI DNR has designated certain areas of Lake Beulah as “Areas of Special Natural Resources Interest (ASNRI)” - Critical Habitat Area - Sensitive Area Designation. While these are not the only areas of sensitive habitat, these are marked the most critical areas of Lake Beulah according to the WI DNR. Learn how to find these areas. Photo:
Read MoreThis year’s fish species stocking program will introduce perch into Lake Beulah mid to late September. The release will be coordinated as an educational opportunity to engage grade school kids in their environmental studies. Both medium (3-5” in length) and large (5-7” in length) perch will be released.
Read MoreHelp support the 2019 fireworks display over Lake Beulah. Read more to support this 3rd party event that we all enjoy. [This is not an LBPIA organization event]
Read MoreAs the weather warms up, Police Chief Don Jensen would like to remind boaters of the danger of being on the water. He has some safety precautions to share as well to allow people to enjoy spending time on the lake, while ensuring their personal safety and the safety of others.
Read MoreWater Education Laboratory is provided with assistance by the LBPIA. Opening in May of 2019, the Camp Edwards Water Education Lab will provide a dedicated space for Aquatic Education Classes. The main aquatic studies conducted in the lab will be water quality testing, macroinvertebrate studies, and watershed studies.
Read MoreDid you know that these three lawn applications contribute to higher Phosphorus levels that lead to higher Chlorophyll Algae levels that can ultimately lead to Blue-Green Algae? Also, higher Phosphorus levels reduce the health of our Fish population in Lake Beulah.
Read MoreA few months ago, I introduced myself as the new president of LBPIA. Now I write a final letter as my nine years on the board comes to an end. I will use it to offer a piece of advice. At my age, I can do that without concern of repercussions.
Read MoreLuke S. Roffler, Senior Fisheries Biologist – Racine, Kenosha and Walworth Counties Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources spoke about fish ecosystem in Lake Beulah.
Read MorePlease use courtesy and common sense in operating your water‐ craft. Avoid creating a hazard, threat, stress, or irritant to others and yourself, to wildlife and to lake environment. Respect others by turning down the volume of music or other amplification.
Read MorePlanting of my Lake Beulah roots took place in 1940 and those lake roots have grown ever since. Now some 78 years later, in my final year on the LBPIA board, certainly elderly and perhaps a little bit wiser, I am called to serve as its president.
Read MoreLake Beulah has been stocked with five inch smallmouth bass in Fall 2014, 2015 and 2016. The fish were offloaded from the Gollon hatchery truck onto the boat tanks and released in deep water at five locations. The three stockings were financed by the Triangle Sportsmen’s Club, the Lake Beulah Protective and Improvement Association (LBPIA), and individual donors, and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) crews provided assistance.
Read MoreWell #7 is a high capacity well that was installed by the Village of East Troy, WI and was contested by the Lake Beulah Management District with the intention to protect Lake Beulah’s ecosystem for all.
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